Beyond my Wildest Dreams: Queer Joy at 60

Mary Vermillion and Ben Thiel

This April brought me two new joys. I turned sixty, and I made my debut in Sinister Wisdom, the oldest lesbian literary journal in the U.S. me with Sinister Wisdom 132photo by Ben Thiel When I was in my thirties and forties, I never imagined that I’d be happy about turning sixty. In fact, I … Read more

National Coming Out Day at a Mercy University in the Red State of Iowa

LGBTQ Mount Mercy

How should we celebrate National Coming Out Day in 2023 in the red state of Iowa? This was a key question at the most recent meeting of Mount Mercy University’s Faculty and Staff GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance). Let’s start with logistics: we’re marking National Coming Out Day after fall break because the actual day, … Read more

First Day of School Never Gets Old

Mount Mercy University hill

This year marked my 29th first day of school as a professor at Mount Mercy, and my 37th as a teacher. If you count my student years, it was my 55th first day of school! That fresh fall start never gets old. Sure, there is sadness about leaving summer behind and having less time to … Read more

Literary Serendipity and Author Events

Every summer, I read the issues of Poets & Writers that I haven’t had the time to read during the school year. (AKA all the issues.) This summer, as I was perusing “5 Over 50” (a favorite with this 59-year-old), I came across debut poet Shareen K. Murayama. When she’s questioning herself as a writer, … Read more

Poetry, The Bittersweet, and Literary Serendipity

pen with variegated hosta

Serendipitous. Elated. Energized. That’s how I felt when I read the title poem of Andrea Cohen’s 2019 collection, Nightshade. On the surface, the short poem is about a plant:

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Quasi-Queer Quotes

Mary Vermillion and two books of quotations

The new year has made me want to try something new with this blog. So in addition to my super sporadic essays, I’ve decided to post monthly collections of quotes. This first bunch includes mostly old favorites and a few from recent reading. After some of them, I’ve offered commentary. I let the quotes determine … Read more

Queer Visibility at a Small Catholic University

MMU faculty staff GSA at Lavender Commemoration

This Pride month, I want to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community and its many allies at Mount Mercy, a small Catholic university in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. I’ve taught English there my entire career. Twenty-seven years! As a Queer elder, I’ve enjoyed witnessing and contributing to the increased visibility of the LGBTQ+ community on campus. Queer Visibility … Read more

In Praise of In-Person Readings

When my friend Mary Helen Stefaniak launches her third novel, The World of Pondside, her April 19th reading will be the first in-person author event I’ve attended at Prairie Lights since COVID. This momentous occasion has led me to reflect on the many readings that have enriched and shaped my life—both professionally and personally. Professionally, … Read more

My Summer in Tokyo

It was 1984, the summer between my sophomore and junior years at Saint Mary College, and I was twenty. Along with another Saint Marian, Diane, I was an exchange student in an international program at Sophia University in Tokyo. I took two courses, Japanese Religion and Japanese Literature. The literature professor had translated one of … Read more

My Queer Joy

Mary Vermillion and Benjamin Thiel

When I taught LGBTQ+ Literature this past fall, many students were so locked in on queer oppression and trauma that they overlooked queer hope and joy. Their negative focus was partly because of the pandemic and political climate, but also because of my text choices and teaching strategies. So I wrote a post about the … Read more